Thursday, June 16, 2011

Traveling this Week

My luggage and a cranky cat. (Photo: The Writing Cocoon)

I'm on the road for the next ten days. So, posting may be a bit sporadic, but I'll do my best to post at least a few times while I'm gone.

This trip, I'm lugging around my laptop and a thumbdrive with my novel. The trip isn't the site-seeing sort - I'm visiting friends and family back in the US. I've really been working hard to establish some sort of routine with my writing, and this trip is coming smack dab in the middle of a good writing streak. I just hate the idea of losing momentum. Therefore, into the carry-on goes the laptop and a ridiculous number of cords and plugs.

Am I kidding myself? Will I be dragging this machine around for no good reason? Will I really sit down and write on the road? This will be a bit of an experiment. 

What about you? How do you handle these interruptions to your writing routine? Has your laptop become a permanent extension of your self?

Posted by Jennifer B. at The Writing Cocoon


  1. I go for the good-old notebook and pen if I'm on the road. Enjoy your trip, and keep up the writing!

  2. I usually bring my laptop on trips, but I always carry a composition book and my favorite pen. That way I can't blame the lack of an outlet or battery life; I have no excuse!
